Huge cock turned gay xxx stories

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They went straight to her bedroom and closed the door. She was 41 and she was bringing home guys in their 20’s and 30’s. She was with some guy I had never seen before and never saw again afterward. It was a Friday night and Derek and I were up late playing video games when I heard mom stumble in.

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His mom wasn’t very sexually active, but now that my mom had a room to herself again, she was back at it with whatever guy she met at the bar that particular night. Derek was a year younger but his sexual curiosity was almost at the same level as mine. We fought like brothers and we got along like brothers. Despite being cousins, we acted like brothers. We still lived in the same 3 bedroom apartment but my grandfather had recently passed away so the 3rd bedroom was now mine and my 12 year old cousin’s.

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My growing libido was beginning to take over.

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